Car Cooling System – Parts, Working, and Common Issues

A car cooling system keeps the engine running at the ideal temperature without any instances of overheating. Cooling the engine is a gigantic task, especially when you realize how much heat it produces. To give you an example, a small car travelling at 50mph creates around 4000 explosions/minute. Along with the explosions, the friction of the moving parts also produces heat. All of this heat can severely damage the engine, if not entirely failing it. The modern cooling system carries the heat away from the engine with the help of a liquid. Therefore, having an effective car cooling system is essential for the efficient functioning of the vehicle. Let’s look at the various components, functions, and issues of the car cooling system. Car Cooling System Parts – What it contains? We learnt how the engine produces a high amount of heat that needs to cool down for the efficient functioning of the vehicle. Cooling down an engine involves complex mechanisms and components that work toget...