Winter Car Care: How to Take Care of your Car Battery & Tyres

Winters are here! And like every other year, we are encountering the most chilled cycle of the time; Earth’s yearly revolution. However, along with Winters, comes a great set of problems. And these chilly and challenging times are not just for humans, but also for your vehicles.

Although, it is crucial to examine our cars every period to make sure they are working properly. But winter car care is something we need to worry about the most. Taking individual steps for the preparation of winters is crucial to endure the long, brutal & cold winters. It can further help in increasing the lifespan of your vehicle and reduce the amount of maintenance/repairs that you have to do in the summers.

For those of you who have been wondering, how to do the winter car care, allow me to help you understand this by stating some facts. But before proceeding, let’s just quickly have a look at how you can take good care of the other parts of your vehicle.

“Maintenance can be considered as the act of taking decent care of your vehicle to relish a satisfactory riding experience.” All the cars need maintenance, and to keep them happy is our duty.

By simply following a few steps, we can save a lot of money every year, which can also help in increasing the lifespan of our vehicle & prevents us from being stranded on the side of the road. There are various steps involved in a good winter car care.

Let’s take a look at them.

1. Preparatory Check-Up

What do you usually do when the falls change? Preparing for them in advance is what will be the answer for most of you. Yes, that’s absolutely correct.

Many people start accumulating things before winters arrive and that is what you have to do with your car. It is ideal to make sure your vehicle is dressed accurately for the season change. By doing so, you’re equipping yourself with ample time to look after your car.

The primary and principal step in winter car care is getting a basic check-up done to clinch that the core parts are operating normally which can further help in lessening the mishaps.

2. Warm-Up

Moving from the easiest yet, the simplest tip, we are now coming to the most important point on our list of good winter car care. Most people consider it a myth which is, in reality, a necessity.

Warming up your vehicle makes sure that the engine oil present inside your vehicle is outreaching every nook & corner. When you start, the insides of the engine are rigorously lubricated; consequently reducing the wear & tear.

Engine oil tends to thicken up during winters, hence it takes more time than usual to flow freely to the various parts of the engine. And, in this situation, it becomes important to warm up your car for 3-5 minutes before moving, to ensure an effective winter ride.

Also ReadHow to Take care of your Car During Winter? |

3. Lubricating the Doors

Another major problem during the cold weather is frozen car doors. It can take a few minutes or sometimes even longer opening your car doors on a chilly winter day, leaving you stranded in the foggy afternoon.

To prevent this situation, you should apply high-quality lubricants to your doors.
And Voila! Your problem is solved.

4. Headlights & Fog lamps

Although fog isn’t a common occurrence in many countries, it is surely a situation that people have to face all over the northern regions. The primary effects of fog experienced by people include bad visibility. And in this case, more than a headlight, fog lamps play an important role in piercing through the fog.

Now that we have learned about how to take good care of your vehicle, it is time to turn towards checking the most important parts of a car.

Battery and Tyres are the crucial parts of any vehicle and to look after them, is something that you cannot ignore.

Winter is here!
So, let’s just quickly learn how to do this. Don’t worry! We’ll help you through this.    

Battery Care

The battery is one of the most important components in a vehicle that requires uttermost care during frosty weather. During this time, the fluid (particularly distilled water) inside the battery gets thickened which prevents the smooth flow of the current. This leads to permanent & irreplaceable damage to the cells.

The best option to avoid this situation is to perform a Volt test to check the condition of the battery and change it, in case it is detected as weak. Indulge in battery care on a regular basis.

Car batteries go through a challenging phase during the cold weather as they now have to provide more current than usual. So, keeping a few jumper cables with you can reduce the risk of your battery running down slowly.

Also ReadSeasonal Car Care: Top 20 Car Care Tips for Rainy Season |    

Tyre Pressure

Most car owners do not pay enough attention to the tyre. Being one of the most crucial parts of your car and the component that keeps in touch with the road, tyre care should be one of the first priorities.

The first step in taking good care of your vehicles’ tyres should be to check their temperature. During the hotter months, the tyre pressure in your car increases. In contrast to this, during cold weather, it decreases, which can have considerable pressure on your driving. It is crucial to check the tyre pressure before leaving your house in the morning to ensure that it is in the recommended range..[Continue Reading]    


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