Car Safety Checklist: Tips & Safety Advice While Driving
According to official car safety statistics, there were more than 1,460 fatal casualties on the UK roads in the year 2020. In a country where severe road accidents have become common, it is important for all drivers to maintain car safety rules. You have to remember that whether you’re a skilled driver or a beginner, there is a need for reflection. It’s always good to make sure that you’re aware of all the car safety rules including the traffic ones as well.
Car safety becomes even more important when you’re not alone and you have people in the passenger seat. Drivers tend to get distracted while entertaining them. Hence, it becomes crucial that you’re maintaining all the safety rules and you’re driving as safely as possible. It is not only safe for yourself but also for the pedestrians present on the road.
Various car safety factors are there to be maintained and this includes traffic safety, vehicle maintenance, regard for pedestrians, speeding, keeping an eye on other vehicles and so much more. To get a concise look at all these factors, read our detailed article on this.
You can contribute to making the UK roads safe. So read on!
Top Driving & Car Safety Tips
Thinking about safety and ensuring it is something that should always be in every driver’s mind. It’s not only about your safety but also about the responsibility of other drivers, pedestrians, and external property with which you have been entrusted. So, everyone driver should have the following things in their mind.
– Traffic Signals
The single most important thing that comes with car safety is obeying the traffic laws. There may have been times when you had been frustrated and floundered the traffic restrictions but it is crucial to remember that these laws can save lives. For instance, we have seen people overlooking the yellow traffic light. They rush often rush and accelerate at the last moment which can lead to serious road accidents.
– Documents
Three documents that all drivers should carry, while they are out driving, are the driving licence, registration certificate, and pollution certificate. You may think that they won’t make any difference in regards to car safety but it actually gives you confidence. If you possess proper documentation of your car, you would be more in control.
– Safety Gear
One of the easiest ways by which you can ensure your safety would be seat belts. Seat belts are the kind of safety gear that protects you from sudden shocks and jolts. Many lives have been saved in serious accidents and crashes by these seat belts. So don’t ignore them and latch it on as soon as you get seated in the car.
– Safe Distance
Another crucial point when talking about car safety is maintaining proper distance between two vehicles on road. This makes sure that in case you have to apply sudden brakes, you won’t go crashing in the vehicle that is in front of you. The vice-versa of this situation also happens. So, careful buds!
– Car Maintenance
A good working condition of your car can save you from a lot of trouble, including accidents. You must have seen many people emphasise the car service schedules. They may look stickler but giving a proper check is crucial. The maintenance includes things like lights, fluids, engine, exhaust, etc.
– Patience
It’s not surprising to find that most accidents on road happen due to the impatience and intolerant attitude of the driver. Only if they would have exercised an ounce of patience, many of such incidents could have been avoided. Safety is infinitely more important than you being on time. So, stop rushing and manage your time properly.
– Speed Limits
There is a reason why speed limits are there. They are not established randomly as they have the purpose of keeping everyone safe. You should stick with these limits if you want to avoid any kind of trouble. Different speed limits are placed in different establishments like schools, malls, hospitals, etc.
– Avoid Disruptions
Disruptions and distractions are very dangerous. With the advent of mobile, you must have seen people texting, calling, listening to music, etc while DRIVING the car! That’s so wrong. So many road accidents worldwide have been caused due to distracted drivers. Practise pulling over the kerb, and doing whatever you want to do besides driving.
– Driving Under Influence
We all are aware of the fact that alcohol affects our thinking ability. It impairs the mind and slows our metabolism down. You may come across many people who think that it is okay to drink a few pints as it doesn’t affect them. But remember, you’re not only endangering yourself but others too. Government, all across the world, have strictly prohibited driving under influence. So, don’t drink and drive!
– Sharing is Caring
It is always good to remind yourself that you don’t own the road and that you’ve to share it with other drivers as well. Follow all the rules and graciously share them with others. This is the only way we all can co-exist peacefully.
Car Safety Checklist
Before taking off with your vehicle, it is essential to remember the last time your went to the servicing. The car safety check is equally important as maintaining safety while driving the car. So, look out for the following things:
– Cellphone
As mentioned above, don’t drive your car even if you have an important call or text to attend to. Pull your car at the side of the road and then get on with it. If possible, keep your phone on silent/DND mode while driving the car or put it away from you.
– Car Doors
It is important to close and lock all car doors properly before you start travelling in your car. If any of the doors is loosely closed, and it opens while driving, fatal accidents can happen.
– Backseat
Now, this may sound unrealistic but trust me on this. Many carjacking cases have been reported. To keep yourself safe from them, always check your backseat before getting inside a car. This tip will go a long way.
– Signals & Lights
Some of the important things that need to be checked include the car’s directional signal, tail light, rearview mirror, brakes, etc. The directional signals function to steer you away from danger. Also, if it’s bad weather, do cover your lights.
I hope you will feel safe after reading this article. We tried to incorporate all the car safety tips and advice. By obeying and keeping these in mind, you would surely be in safe hands. Until then drive safely and if your car is troubling you, reach out here...(continue reading )
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