Everything You Need to Know About Sunroofs & Common Problems

 Many car owners enjoy having a sunroof in their vehicles; they provide a great way for drivers to get some fresh air while driving or just take in the scenery on a nice day. But, as with any other part of your car, there are certain problems that may occur when it comes to sunroofs. We’ve compiled everything you need to know about sunroofs and common issues so you can keep yours in top condition!

What’s a sunroof and how it works?

First off, let’s talk about what makes up a typical sunroof system. A vehicle’s existing roof panel is replaced by one containing an opening section – usually made from glass or metal – which can be opened during warm weather conditions. The opening section is connected directly to the vehicle body via hinges attached at its edges, allowing the driver or passenger(s) inside the car access external views without having to leave their seats. Additionally, most modern cars also have power mechanisms such as motors and switches installed in order for users to open/close their roofs manually or remotely with ease.

Issues with Sunroof Setup

Now that we’ve covered some basics regarding how these systems work lets dive into potential issues you might encounter with your own personal sunroof setup!

  1. One of the most common complaints among drivers is leaking due either improper installation or poor maintenance over time (especially if they’re not regularly cleaned).

  2. Another issue you may experience includes electrical components malfunctioning – such as buttons needing repair after years of use – along with seals no longer being able hold back water effectively from entering interior areas like headliners and side panels where they could cause costly damage down-the-line if left unchecked for too long!

  3. Lastly, depending on your type of vehicle make/model year (as well as climate), occasional jamming between moving parts due extreme temperatures outside should also be taken into consideration since this could potentially create safety hazards when traveling around town during hot summer months etcetera.

    Sunroof related Tips

To help avoid any major troubleshooting scenarios later down-the-road here are few helpful tips from our experts here at Acton Service Centre:

  1. Make sure all seals surrounding sealants remain properly sealed throughout each season change by periodically checking underneath hood area near where windscreen meets frame before driving off anywhere too far away!
  2. Clean out debris build up regularly inside both outer edge seams located adjacent front/rear doors respectively using soft cloth material wetted lightly only enough so dirt particles don’t fly back onto...Read More


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