How Long Does an MOT Test Take and 5 Ways to Plan Ahead

 Every year, British drivers have to take their cars in for a mandatory safety check called an ‘MOT’ (Ministry of Transport) test. The purpose of this check is to ensure that all vehicles are safe for road use, reducing the risk of accidents or any other hazards on the roads.

How long does an MOT test take?

The first thing you should know is that while there’s no set time limit on how long the actual inspection will take, it usually takes around 45 minutes depending on your vehicle type and condition. This includes both visual checks done by the examiner as well as physical tests such as emissions testing and brake performance tests which may require additional tools or equipment not normally found at garages.

To make sure everything runs smoothly during your appointment, here are five great ways to plan ahead:

1. Get Organized

Before heading into a garage, make sure all relevant documents like registration details & insurance policies are readily available so they can be presented upon request. It also helps if maintenance records related to previous services have been kept up-to-date; this makes things easier when it comes time for inspectors analyzing history reports associated with each car model & year made.

2. Schedule Ahead

Booking appointments far enough in advance ensures that customers don’t have too many delays due waiting times etc., plus allows them ample opportunity adjust times/dates if necessary too avoid any overlap with other commitments they may have booked beforehand themselves already (e.g work/family).

3. Have Necessary Parts Ready

If anything needs replacing or repairing prior attending one’s appointment then having those parts ready can save valuable time during testing processes – ensuring less disruption caused by external suppliers being involved later down line instead since issues could already be resolved before arriving at garage itself meaning quicker turnaround times overall than normal scenarios would involve otherwise!

4. Check Vehicle Thoroughly

Performing basic checks such as oil levels & tyre pressure can help prevent potential problems from arising upon assessment day itself since most faults detected beforehand won’t require further investigation....Read More


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